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Wallet Revamp



The BTSE wallet is a critical feature of the exchange application, designed to help users monitor their exchange activities, including asset status, trading records, and transaction history. While it has provided essential utilities, it hasn't undergone significant updates or revamps recently. We see this as an opportunity to enhance the wallet by improving information clarity and efficiency, aligning it with our latest design patterns, and empowering users to manage their assets and trading decisions more effectively.



The structure of BTSE's wallet allows users to have different isolated "sub-wallets" for various investing purposes. For example, spot, futures, and earn each have their own wallet. This structure aims to enable better management and risk control of assets. However, several problems have been identified with the older version:

  1. The key information is underemphasized and mixed with irrelevant details.

  2. The layout is not scalable enough for future expansion.

  3. The guidance for desired actions is insufficient.

One clear design issue is the use of a carousel at the top, which is less flexible and scalable for providing detailed information. For instance, users can only see the overview balance and one action (deposit), which takes up a lot of space. It doesn't provide additional information like P&L. Additionally, the tab in the middle allows users to switch between spot, future, and earn lists, but it is independent of the total balance component at the top. This disconnection makes it difficult for users to quickly and easily understand their overall status.



As the product designer, I conducted a UX audit and studied competitors to identify and support the UX pain points discovered. I then proposed potential UX improvements to the PM and provided mockups and UI specifications to enhance the efficiency and usability of the BTSE wallet.

Identified current UX flaws > Proposed key improvement > Mock up



Since we have already identified the issues in wallet, we could list our goal as follows:

At first, the requirement from Operation team and PM side is simply to add a settings features for users to decide their working hours as merchant on Google Map because that those users told PM that they sometimes forget about removing the “ads”. But after digging in with interviews report from research team, I found out that users’ need might actually more than that.

  1. Provide relevant info and actions to monitor status easily and what's the possible next steps

  2. The new design should be flexible enough for futures expansion

For the new wallet structure, we placed the wallet types at the top layer to better match user needs and intentions. The default tab, the overview page, provides information sequentially to help users monitor the wallet's general status. Users can quickly check the total balance, understand performance through P&L, and access further information via the chart section. Major actions are prominently placed for easy access. At the bottom, a table list view provides detailed information relevant to each tab's scenario.

This structure allows the BTSE wallet to offer users a more comprehensive and clear way to check their assets and maintain a sense of control. More importantly, it makes the wallet more scalable, enabling the addition of isolated wallets for different features or products as needed.

For instance, in a recent project, we easily added a new tab for a futures bot as a sub-wallet. This allows users to track their assets and the status of futures grid bots using the same design pattern. This structure lowers the effort and increases efficiency when accommodating new requirements.

One improvement from revamping the structure is the ability to provide a clear, independent entry point to the history page for each wallet type. Each wallet now has its own category-specific history, eliminating irrelevant records, such as deposits in the futures wallet history.

Built a more flexible and scalable structure would help though you would still make some variants depends on each scenario.

Although the button style on the futures bot tab differs from that of the overview tab, as there is only one guiding action for the bot sub-wallet, users can easily follow their established behavior and habits to locate the necessary actions when a new tab is added to the app.



By the following wallet-related project which is done after this revamp. We have assured that this revamp is on the right direction.

In retrospect, we didn't overhaul all the components, sections, or flows in the wallet. Instead, we evaluated our limitations and roadmap, prioritized building the new structure first. Subsequently, we undertook several related follow-up projects to align the wallet closer to our initial plans.

More follows up is there to be done

For instance, we had planned to include a comprehensive P&L analysis page accessible from the wallet. This feature would provide users with valuable insights into their performance, allowing them to gauge whether they're on the right track or need to explore alternative portfolio solutions. This aligns with BTSE's goal of providing enhanced support to users at different stages of their trading journey.

Tzer-Ruey Chen