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Bybit Card



Bybit Card is a recently(2023 Mar) launched product that enables users to use their holdings, including crypto and fiat, in their Bybit accounts to make purchases through a master debit card. It's an essential product that provides users with a tangible way to use and enjoy their cryptocurrencies, which is one way that a centralized exchange can bring cryptocurrencies into people's everyday lives. In a rapidly expanding CEX like Bybit, this product is still in its early stages and needs to establish its own ecosystem and reputation to attract more business-oriented users seeking more frequent and practical interaction with the CEX.



For most of the crypto related companies, one of the critical problem is that the users are difficult to consume the asset they hold if their daily life unlike the traditional fiat-based asset. Although it’s a eco-system level problem, this debit card would be a starting point and fundamental part for the CEX to prompt users actually bring the web3 into their real life. Since it’s new and has to collaborate with existing financial system

We have to build a set of design to let our users understand it's about a new way to use their crypto assets.

In addition, it’s new product line and has to collaborate with existing financial system.

The challenges are on product level, has to collaborate with various counterparts on business level and has to nudge the direction rapidly.



As the product designer, I had have participated the whole 0 to 1 process of building the new product. From the business goals aliment, product's structure, features planning, to collaborate closely with another designer and engineering team members.

Identified core values of product > IA > flows > wireframes > Behavior specs



Since the product is still in the very early stage, the first thing we try to do is

Participate the discussion in earlier stage and clarify both the status and priority from business side, making sure that the design and development could response and iterate fast.

Tried to keep the design scalable and flexible

For one instance, the application flow’s content would be pending on the collaboration and further discussion with the financial institution. For example, they might require some certain step, certain amount of questions, certain type of KYC data. Though it's not ideal for a project but I certainly understand it would inevitable happen under time pressure. What we decided to do is that we setup the structure and make sure each step contain the components is flexible and scalable to be adjusted fast. It made the multiple changes of content did not affect the progress seriously.

Another thing here would be that we have identified some features that could be useful in the future, but are not necessary for the initial development stage. One such feature is the ability for users to select which cryptocurrency they want to use when spending with the Bybit Card. While the first version of the product will only offer 5 options, we plan to expand the available options in the future for the convenience of our users. Therefore, we have already defined the position and behavior of the search which does not need to be developed at first but would keep everyone informed of its potential development in the future.

There’s more example of this, we actually changed the column field in table for many times because of data structure we can get might change. But due to the structure is flexible, it saves us a lot of time on adjusting the design and develop.



It's the first time that I joined a newly built squad team on a brand new product (some people are even just joined the company). What I have learned the most is that

Keep syncing with everyone who might related to the decision, would be better to over-communicate than lacking of it.

It's the first time that I joined a newly built squad team on a brand new product (some people are even just joined the company). What I have learned the most is that

Tzer-Ruey Chen