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P2P Task Managment



Bybit's P2P platform's primary goal was to provide users with a flexible and efficient way to trade their crypto assets with a variety of payment options. On this platform, users can post offers to buy or sell cryptocurrency, while others can take up these offers to buy or sell crypto, similar to a maker and taker system in the exchange market. It is worth noting that although users can access all roles with some KYC limitations, the majority of users on the platform are takers or buyers, as buying crypto through P2P is the easiest way for newcomers to try out flexible payment options in lots of market.



Centralized exchanges, or CEXs, have grown to become comprehensive but complicated platforms. Users are often bombarded with a plethora of notifications and pending tasks from different types of products all within a single app or website. This can lead to intense competition among the various products under the CEX for users' attention, making it difficult for users to focus on the information that matters most to them. This issue is particularly problematic for P2P perspectives, as it has its own notification system that competes with the platform's global notifications. Despite this, the P2P notification system itself still suffers from many issues and problems.

Users can’t easily understand the status of pending tasks, and even worse, can’t done the tasks with organized information directly.

And the notification/hint here isn't scalable, it couldn't expand when there're multiple pending tasks.



As the product designer, I stated that the existing component was problematic. Therefore, I introduced a new interaction pattern from wireframe to final mockup. Aiming that new component could be able not only to replace the notification feature, but truly provide the users the feature that help them to organize and process their pending tasks on P2P platform efficiently.

Identified core pain points > flows > wireframes > final mockup delivery



P2P has several kinds of notification, for example, new transactions done, pending coin release, new message, not sufficient amount of asset for offers…etc. And most of them, if not all of them, has implied something to be done in different levels. It refers to that it's not enough if we only simply "notify" our users something is happen, the feature should be able to guide the users finish the rest of the implied task with ease and efficiency.

At first, the requirement from Operation team and PM side is simply to add a settings features for users to decide their working hours as merchant on Google Map because that those users told PM that they sometimes forget about removing the “ads”. But after digging in with interviews report from research team, I found out that users’ need might actually more than that.

Therefore the design goal of this new feature would be helping users to:

Hint, manage, and guide the users to finish the pending task fast.

At the beginning, this project was trying to solve the problem of notification that P2P team wants to hint the user that there’re new message from the counterpart or the customer service in a transaction order. But during the design we found out that the current notification didn’t guide users to take action immediately.

At first, the requirement from Operation team and PM side is simply to add a settings features for users to decide their working hours as merchant on Google Map because that those users told PM that they sometimes forget about removing the “ads”. But after digging in with interviews report from research team, I found out that users’ need might actually more than that.

We have to guide users to done the pending action clearly at least.

Existing design isn’t scalable in neither amount nor different types of notification.

The notification on the top of table as a banner-like style isn't scalable if there're multiple notification or even different category of notification which P2P would definitely encounter.

So to second point to be addressed would be that this new component is scalable, it better to have it's own space layer without pushing to much with the main table.

The floating button is easy to reach, clear enough to hint yet won't block the important space for the main table.

Lastly, a subtle but critical thing is that those pending tasks would be clear once it's done. (The users can check all the record in order for sure) This would nudge our users' eager to finish all the pending task as soon as possible which would match our expectation on trading efficiency.

A pending task list has potential to urge users react fast.



It's a project that couldn't been done in one stage due to roadmap and developer resource limits, but I appreciate all the discussion among PM and Engineers that we have all agreed on the future direction of building P2P platform pending tasks feature(even center) to better remain our users from taking actions.

Think and design for the future, not just existing requirement.

Tzer-Ruey Chen